Monday, July 30, 2012


MK Danny Danon has written an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post where he tells why Mitt Romney is the real friend of Israel in contrast to Barack Obama (H/T: The American Thinker):
By coming here, Romney is indicating to his Israeli friends his deep commitment to the State of Israel and the importance that he places on his friendship with the Jewish people.

Not only is the governor taking the time to visit the Jewish state in the midst of his campaign, but he has also stated repeatedly that should he win the presidency, his first official trip abroad would be to Israel. It is these types of pledges – along with his steadfast statements affirming Israel’s right to defend itself from all threats, both near and far – that is convincing so many Democratic pro-Israel voters to switch sides and vote for the Republican candidate in the upcoming election.

Obama, on the other hand, has been anything but resolute in his support for Israel since he was elected in 2008. In his now infamous Cairo Speech, the president put the onus of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict squarely on the shoulders of what was once called America’s only true ally in the Middle East.
There's a good point for starters. Barry Rubin and Daniel Pipes have also given praise to Romney for setting such a good example. Let's hope that Romney does well, because we could sure use a guy like him to help this world.

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