Thursday, July 26, 2012


Alan Caruba at Accuracy In Media's written about the danger of jihad that's lurking at the Olympics in England, and is right to be concerned even now:
A foretaste of what might occur in London when the Olympic games open on Friday, July 27, occurred on July 20 when a Muslim youth shouting in Arabic, “God is great”, attempted to seize the Olympic torch as it was being carried through Maidstone toward Redhill.

I was reminded of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich when members of the Israeli team were targeted and killed by Islamists. Then I thought of other terrorist attacks in London and in Manchester in the recent past.

Wikipedia offers some sobering information about Islam and England. There were more than 1,500 mosques in England as of 2007. Muslims have been part of the English population as early as 1707 and today it is the second largest religion in the country. As of 2011 the Muslim population was estimated to be 2.869 million. It is the fastest growing religion in the UK. [...]

The opening day ceremonies will be further disrupted by planned strikes by transportation unions and the main access to the venue will be via subway, a prime target for bombs. The British have mobilized elements of their armed forces to provide security, but it is my view that, like most acts of terrorism, it will be virtually impossible to deter bombings and other mayhem.

The 2012 Olympic Games hold the prospect of becoming a bloodbath for participants and attendees.
This is hardly at all a way to celebrate an event like the Olympic games by having union strikes take place. It's very good that Israeli security sources are set up at the games, but even so, in a country that's already sold its soul, there's no telling what could happen.

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