Sunday, June 24, 2012

Predictably, Muslim Brotherhood wins Egyptian presidency - now comes the anti-Copt pogroms and the abrogation of Camp David

The ascent of Islamists in Egypt is no more progress for Egypt than it would be progress for China to bring back Maoism, or Russia Stalinism, or Spain and the RC Church Torquemadism: you do not progress by embracing the failed ideologies of the past.

What's happening in Egypt and in the so-called "arab spring" is a form of nativistic mass hysteria, not an enlightened democratic movement toward universal suffrage.

Copts in Egypt and in other Arab majority nations are now in even graver danger. As is Israel. And the West.

I expect Copt's to be attacked tonight. And more rockets fired upon Israel from Sinai and Gaza.

All due to Obama's DELIBERATE policy to EMPOWER the Muslim Brotherhood.

Either by incompetence or by design.


  1. Obama is an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood - if not an outright operative, so, you betcha, it was Ali-Babama's intention all along for the Arab Spring to spring the tie-wearing terrorists from their Egyptian cells and into their one-size-fits-all Sharia government.

    Barack Bin Lyin' criticized the democracy-building efforts of George Bush but lauded his own democracy-building efforts. Except that "democracy" is not on the "To-Do" list of the Brotherhood in creating that old-time caliphate.

    In 2008, you were drawn and quartered by Media Matters and the Media Matters' Media if you even thought of mentioning Bar-rack Obummer's middle moniker, Hussein.

    They also made, "Muslim," the new "N" word -- which still exists in the Muslim World, except it's the "A" word as in "Abeed," But you're not judged on the color of your skin anymore - just on its shade.

    And the liberal leftist lunatic libtard media has now taken to calling Barack Umayyad Obama, "The first Jewish President," and the "Best friend that Israel ever had in a US President."

    And what better way to show that friendship with Istrael is to give $1.5 billion in advanced military weapons to the Brotherhood after they made Israel their #1 enemy.

    What's that about the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

    Only Obama can be friends with Israel's #1 enemy and still call Israel his #1 friend.

    Except that, in the case of BackTrack Obama, the enemy of their enemy is also his enemy because his friends are in the Brotherhood.

    And the people in the media, on both sides, wonder why Obama's policies with Israel are such a departure from every other President who was legally elected to the office he now usurps.

    Whaddya expect when the first foreign phone call that Oboombox makes during his first day on the job in Jan. 2009, is to the head of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas.

    He sent a text message to Netanyahu, telling him that after his final election, he'll have greater flexibility to kick all the Jews out of Israel.

  2. awesome comment.

    come back often please

  3. I'm sure that Obama is grinning with glee.
