Friday, June 08, 2012


He's also given some telling signs he's the culprit in what you might call the honor murder of a male:
A man suspected of brutally murdering his ten-year-old son in an olive grove was ordered to remain in custody by a Ramle Magistrate's Court on Thursday as the police's murder investigation continues.

Muhammad Sarsur, of Kafr Kasim, was arrested this week by homicide detectives from the police central district after becoming the prime suspect in the murder of his ten-year-old son, Anas, whose body was found near the family home with severe injury marks.

"We have attributed the suspicion of murder to him [the father,] the police representative told the Ramle Magistrate's Court during the remand hearing.

The representative refused to discuss the alleged motive for the slaying, or detail the evidence, but said enough had been amassed by police to support the suspicions against the father.

The representative said the suspect's home had been intensively searched, as well as the suspect's cell phone. Police were waiting for forensic results from an autopsy carried out on the boy's body, he added.

During police questioning in recent days, the father was asked why he did not cry over his son's violent death, according to Sarsur's attorney Anwar Fareej, who slammed the question as illegitimate.

Fareej, said it was "unfeasible that someone who was a good father, who cared and worried for his child, would do something like this." He also said police removed knives from the homes of neighbors to analyze them. The attorney slammed police for the slow pace of the investigation. Ramle Magistrate Judge David Shoham rejected Fareej's request for the suspect to be released from custody, but also did not fully comply with the police's request to keep Sarsur in custody for ten days, extending his remand by only a week instead.

Earlier this week, Sarsur's brother, Muhammad, told The Jerusalem Post, “The family has suffered two murders; first Anas was murdered and now a second time when police arrested Muhammad." The boy's body was found over the weekend after he was reported missing by his father.
The lawyer's defense is pathetic. If the father sheds no tears, that in itself tells something's wrong.

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