Friday, June 29, 2012


Speaking on a practical level:

If America is to remain free, clean up that Congress on Election Day 2012!


  1. Your post and sarcasm make no sense at all.

    First of all, the mandate ONLY impacts those that do not carry medical insurance. There is no specifics as to WHAT/WHO's insurance that individual decides to purchase. So drop the word "THAT" in the response/decline to purchase that gum.
    Secondly, its no different from people who purchase autos having to carry liability insurance, or people who buy cig's to be taxed for purchasing those cigs. These people make a decision that ultimately impacts others, then they don't pay up for the damage they did.
    Thirdly, by requiring ALL people to be covered under a health plan, the insurance risk pool improves, doctors and hospitals get paid for services that were not being paid by the uninsured, and the overall price, per individual, for health insurance decreases.
    If there is one concern I have with mandated health care, it is the additional fraud that will be incurred by patients, and doctors, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the system. Medicare & Medicaid already incur a $700 billion annual cost due to fraud.

  2. emergency rooms and hospitals are NOT overflowing with middle-class folks who can afford healthcare insurance and chose not to buy it.

    medical costs are not exploding because of them either.

    outrageous lawsuits cause more medical inflation.

    and covering the illegal immigrants.

    and 5% of the patients cause 50% of the costs.

    get your facts straight.

    the reason the obamacrooks want the penalty/tax is to pay for other; the free-riders are not the problem.

    the people who can afford health insurance and choose not to buy it only make up 1% of the total population. according to obama's wh cos lew.

    WAKE UP!

    we need to transfer the tax break foir health insurance from businesses to the insured and we need to make health insurance available nationally so there is as much competition for it as there is for car insurance.

    and we need to crack down on medical lawsuits as they did in texas.

    REPEAT: wake up.
