Sunday, May 20, 2012


Via Elder of Zion and JTA, here's a video of the time during the Six-Day War in 1967 when the Western Wall was freed from Jordan's imprisonment...and the Temple Mount almost was, until Moshe Dayan handed the keys to the site over to the Wakf, and basically forbade Jews to pray there. In fairness, some rabbinical experts don't think the Mount should be made into a prayer site per se, but that doesn't mean Muslims should be allowed to maintain their abusive dominance and hostility either. For more historical insight see this item at JCPA, and another one at Camera.

Update: and for a more recent look at how Islam sees things, see also this posting.

Update 2: here's also a high-resolution panoramic display from JCPA (also via Elder of Zion) worth checking out.

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