Friday, May 11, 2012


Andrew Bostom writes about the discovery of how a madrassa, unsurprisingly, was teaching Jew-hatred in Canada:
What was not discussed, almost axiomatically, is that these calls for jihad against non-Muslims, and rationalizations for Muslim Jew-hatred, were drawn, in appropriate context, from the Koran, and Sunna (the hadith, the Muslim prophet Muhammad’s words and deeds, and sira, the earliest pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad), Islam’s most important, sacralized canonical sources. This glaring omission—failing to identify, let alone elaborate upon, the canonical Islamic references often plainly cited in the “offending” curricular materials—is entirely consistent with the coverage of similar stories in recent years, for example from New York City, and Fairfax, Virginia, in the US, and indeed virtually all mainstream reportage on the education of Muslim children attending Islamic schools in the West.

Just as predictably, representatives of the Jewish community reacted with shock and indignation that their delusion of a Canadian cultural relativist paradise had been momentarily shattered. Avi Benlolo, President and CEO of the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, opined

To think that this is happening right here in Canada, in our backyards, in our own country where we promote tolerance, diversity, understanding, human rights, and bringing those types of concepts over the from the ancient world if you will, its just unbelievable.

David Spiro, Greater Toronto Co-Chair of The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, in a 5/7/12 press release, added,

Using religion to promote hatred among youth is not just offensive and abhorrent – it shows a stunning disregard for Canada’s basic values of decency and tolerance.
And I would add that any religion built on teaching violence and bigotry is, quite simply, redundant. And that the failure of Canada's politicians to actually deal with this is fairly consistent with their own forms of political correctness over the many years. Why should it be surprising this could be taking place there? What does need to be done is to confront Canada's political class on these issues and ask if they really want to make this a better world, and Canada a safer place to live.

1 comment:

  1. Hi AVI.
    The 'teaching material' originated from Iran.
