Wednesday, May 16, 2012


An important reminder again that the man who sold the Hevron house to Jews is facing death:
Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara said on Tuesday that there was a serious threat to the life of Muhammad Abu Shahala, the Palestinian Authority Arab who arranged the sale of the Beit Hamachpelah in Hevron to Jews.

Abu Shahala’s medical condition recently deteriorated and he has undergone four cardiac catheterizations. As well, the PA is threatening to execute him because of a PA law which stipulates that a person who sells property to Jews will be put to death.

“The PA's threats to execute Abu Shahala over the sale of Beit Hamachpelah in Hevron require Israel to intervene to save him,” Kara said at a meeting of Likud activists in the northern Israeli city of Akko.

“We need to condition any peace negotiations with [PA Chairman] Abbas on the release of all PA Arabs related to this affair,” he added.
Any dictatorial monstrosity who allows people like this to be tortured and threatened with death and even allows honor murders and enforcement of sharia against women cannot be recognized as legitimate, and that's one more reason why people like Abbas do not deserve a state.

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