Friday, April 27, 2012

Scientific study: Muslim culture makes Muslims more likely to become anti-social criminals

... there are strong psychological differences between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is also clear that Muslim culture influences Muslims in a way that makes them more likely to become criminal and display anti-social behaviour - especially towards non-Muslims and non-Islamic authorities. ... The crime rate among Muslims in the West is catastrophically high. Seven out of 10 inmates in Danish youth prisons have immigrant backgrounds, and almost all of them are raised in Muslim families. 

1 comment:

  1. Committing what the West deems "crimes" are not crimes as far as Muslims are concerned. They are resisting the infidel and the infidel rule of law. The latter is not Muslim, so as far as Muslims are concerned, no crimes are being committed.

    Islam is the antithesis of Westernism in almost every respect.
