Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The Quartet, as they're called, met in Washington, and it's business as usual with their moral equations between Israel and the jihadists:
The Quartet issued a statement Wednesday that included a paragraph lumping violent Palestinian extremism and incitement with settler violence.

"Noting the significant progress on security achieved by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, the Quartet calls on the Palestinian Authority to continue to make every effort to improve law and order, to fight violent extremism, and to end incitement," the statement read. "The Quartet also expressed its concern over ongoing settler violence and incitement in the West Bank and calls on Israel to take effective measures, including bringing the perpetrators of such acts to justice."

The statement came at the end of a meeting in Washington attended by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Quartet envoy Tony Blair and Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.
Keep going, incompetent ones. Basically, they're taking a subtle approach trying to make the PA sound the better, and Israel sound the worse. Oh, by the way, can they describe that "settler violence" more clearly? Frankly, I doubt it.

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