Monday, April 30, 2012


The following article doesn't mention the culprit's potential Muslim faith, but there's every chance it was there and played a part:
The Tel Aviv District Court on Tuesday sentenced a man to life in prison for murder, 26 years after police discovered the victim’s body in a Tel Aviv hotel.

Ali Kara’in, 57, escaped to Jordan immediately after murdering Amira Jabris in the Diplomat Hotel. Police believe he then passed through several countries using fake identities, ending up in the US where in 2002 he was arrested and sentenced to prison for fraud.

On his release in 2010, Kara’in was extradited to Israel, where he was indicted for Jabris’s murder.

Last month, the court ruled unanimously to convict Kara’in of murder.

On Sunday, the panel of judges – Nurit Ahituv, Miriam Diskin and Raanan Ben Yosef – sent Kara’in to prison for life, the mandatory sentence for murder, and ordered him to pay Jabris’s family NIS 258,000 in compensation.

According to the indictment, Kara’in murdered Jabris on January 1, 1986. Kara’in booked a double room in the Diplomat Hotel and spent the night with Jabris. At some point that night, Kara’in strangled Jabris to death, then fled the scene. The next morning, he crossed the Jordanian border. [...]

In addition to forensic evidence collected after the murder, the court also reviewed testimony from Jabris’s mother, Shula Hafetz, who said that Jabris had complained that Kara’in was jealous, occasionally violent, and refused to let her out in public or wear a bikini. [...]

In passing sentence on Sunday, the judges said that the high level of compensation imposed on Kara’in reflected the fact that he had caused the victim’s death by exerting manual pressure on her neck for a long time, watching her die, yet not letting her go.

“Only now, 26 years after the murder will [Jabris’s] family be able to gain at least some compensation for the loss they experienced,” the judges said.
The monster who committed that abominable crime should have more than just life in prison - he should be sent for a lethal injection too.

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