Monday, April 02, 2012


Some members of the anti-Israeli sect called Neturei Karta joined with an anti-Israel protest in Jordan, and were assaulted by some of the demonstrators there regardless of their positions (via Big Peace):
A series of rallies across the Arab world that were meant to draw two million participants for a so-called “Global March to Jerusalem,” and which had Israeli authorities heavily deployed at potential border hotspots, fizzled on Friday to localized demonstrations in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

While Israel’s northern and eastern borders remained unthreatened, and the rallies in neighboring countries were largely peaceful, there was violence at the Jordan event: Local media reported that four American ultra-Orthodox rabbis from the extreme anti-Zionist Neturei Karta movement were beaten and verbally abused by local participants at the start of the event. They were rescued by other participants. Neturei Karta members also joined a rally in Lebanon.
Do they consider the abuse worth it if that's what it takes to make clear how anti-Israel they really are? The message this does need to send is that it doesn't matter what their standings are; the Islamofascists will not be grateful, and only turn against them later on.


  1. One would hope that Neturei Karta would learn something from this, and change, but alas they will not. Just like Obama's hope and change has turned to hope for change by many who voted for him.

  2. what you dont like Arab Spring?
