Thursday, March 08, 2012


In this latest news on JWR, they report that All-American Muslim, the basically whitewashed, superficial documentary series about Muslims in Dearbornistan, has been canned:
"All-American Muslim," the reality TV show on TLC based in Dearborn, Mich., that ignited a national controversy, will not be back for a second season, the Detroit Free Press has learned.

TLC officials said the show was canceled because of low ratings, noting that viewership dropped from 1.7 million for its first episode in November to 729,000 in January. But cast members, such as Suehaila Amen, said that 30 other shows on TLC had similar ratings and were not canceled.

The show came under fire from anti-Muslim bloggers who called for a boycott of advertisers on the show. Under pressure, the home improvement store Lowe's pulled ads from "All-American Muslim" after hearing of complaints from conservative Christians and Jews who were upset that that show did not portray Muslim Americans as extremists.
Oh for heaven's sake. That's not exactly the problem: it's that the show wouldn't acknowledge the darkness of Islam. Normalizing bad belief systems does not a convincing reality series make, and not surprisingly, the show even had its detractors on the Muslim side:
Some conservative Muslims also did not like the show because they thought the characters were not pious enough; one woman on the show wore short skirts and wanted to open a nightclub. Other conservative Muslims complained that all of the characters on the show were Lebanese-American Shiites.
Well now isn't that interesting how only Muslims described as "conservative" are kosher - or halal - in the view of the MSM.

I remember how leftists went ape after Lowe's pulled their ads from this tommyrot, but after at least 60 other advertisers canceled theirs too, the left fell silent, and predictably never acknowledged how the show had Muslim detractors as well who couldn't stand how it didn't comply with their sharia-based beliefs. I'll bet that, if a show came along documenting the lives of Christian Arabs and apostates from Islam (could be called All-American Arab and have the bonus of being ideally alliterative), they wouldn't support it at all. Too bad for them of course, because that would only show just how narrow they really are.

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