Monday, March 19, 2012


I had dinner with an old friend and die hard leftist the other night.

She doesn't like Obama - because he caves in to the GOP all the time!

I asked her to name cave-in and she said Obamacare: she wanted the single-payer approach and if not that then at least the so-called "public option." That was dropped and she blames Obama for "caving in to the GOP."


Obamacare was passed without a single GOP vote. And in order to pass it Obama had to LARD IT UP with all sorts of pork - the Nebraska Deal to get Nelson's vote, the Louisiana Deal to get Landrieu's. YES: he had to promise (in a bald-faced LIE!) that it would not fund abortion - but again: this was to get DEMOCRAT votes.

If Obama had REALLY compromised with the GOP and perhaps only passed a 500 page bill, then he might have gotten dozens of GOP votes and be at 75% popularity now instead of the dumpster.

In breaking other promises, Obama did cave in to the GOP, but into REALITY: Obama HAD to keep Gitmo open despite promising to close it because DEMOCRATS were opposed to closing it. He had to cancel plans to try KSM in NYC because DEMOCRATS opposed it. We are floundering in Afghanistan because Obama gave our Afghan mission LESS troops than the Brass wanted  - and he chose to do so with a timetable - to suck up to the LEFT, not the GOP.

Yes: Obama compromised once: Obama extended the Bush Tax Rates because the nation had just had an election and the GOP won OVERWHELMINGLY and when he did so his popularity went up.

But ever since Obama has followed the incorrect path of attacking the GOP and the Right.  And His ratings have gone steadily down, (with a temporary and small few blips up).

She didn't buy it. To her, Obama is a moderate.

So, she asked, why is Obama veering even further to the left now?

I think because he and his comrades decided they were probably going to lose in 2012, and that therefore they started to try to ram through as much socialistic crap as they could while they could - hoping that most of it will proves as hard to undo as Obamacare.

Imagine how extreme Obama will be if he is re-elected - G-D FORBID!

The only safety valve or insurance we have is to elect a GOP Senate to go along with the GOP House.

Other wise, Obama and his comrades will succeed in making the USA just another weak euro-socialist state, and thereby succeed in tossing the West into the dustbin of history as China and Global Jihad take over.

That's what's ultimately at stake.

Not just whether the USA remains a beacon of hope for liberty, but also if we can once again be the economic engine of global growth and the defender of the Free World.

Postmodern leftists like Obama want to USA to become no more exceptional than Belgium. If we allow him to be re-elected, then he will succeed.


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