Friday, March 16, 2012


Noam Shalit, the father of kidnapee Gilad Shalit, told Israel's Channel 10 news that if he were "palestinian" he'd kidnap Israeli soldiers, and even drew a moral equivalence with how we had to battle the British mandate:
Noam Schalit, father of former kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit, said Wednesday that if he were Palestinian he would try to kidnap IDF soldiers.

In an interview with Channel 10, Schalit, who is running for a Knesset seat with the Labor Party, paraphrased former Labor leader Ehud Barak, who shocked many people when he told anti-Israel activist Gideon Levy in a 1998 interview that if he was Palestinian, he would have joined a terrorist organization.

“We also kidnapped British soldiers when we were fighting for our freedom,” Schalit said, referring to pre-state Zionist paramilitary organizations during the British mandate.
Let us be perfectly clear: the difference between fighting the British was that only military/political staff were targeted, NOT civilians like the Hamas has been targeting even recently. Nor did the Israeli resistance forces try to target defenseless women and children, and nor did they go around committing rape crimes.

However, everyone should know the following horrific act committed by British military personnel in 1947:

Yes, they raped a 14 year old girl who was part of the Israeli freedom fighters movement, allegedly in order to get info out of her. The Israeli movements did not do that. You can find more info about British atrocities like this over here. (And on the side is a scan of the original article in Hebrew.) Based on this, the British occupiers and abusers of this country sure weren't acting much better than the jihadists.

Shalit even went on to say the following:
When interviewer Amnon Levy asked whether Schalit’s answer still applied if Hamas was headed by his son’s kidnapper, Schalit said “If they change their ways and are willing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, yes, I would shake his hand.”
This is exactly why I feel that Shalit's position does a grave disservice to his son, making him look almost like an Orwellian doublethinker, and he acts completely oblivious to the murders and other violent crimes Hamas has already committed. If this is how he's going to manage his business, then he's not a fitting addition to the Knesset, where he intends to run for on the Labor Party ticket.

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