Monday, March 19, 2012

Ken Livingstone (Putative Mayor) : I will make London a beacon of Islam

Ken Livingstone, who has become more extreme ideologically, as he gets older, more anti-semitic, more misogynistic, more violent, more insane - just like the mozlems he admires - is holding back no longer:

Andrew Gilligan: here is the full version of a story which appears in the print edition of today's Daily Telegraph:
Ken Livingstone has promised to turn London into a “beacon” for the words of the Prophet Mohammed in a sermon at one of the capital’s most controversial mosques.
Mr Livingstone, Labour’s candidate for mayor of London, pledged to “educate the mass of Londoners” in Islam, saying:  “That will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet.” Mr Livingstone described Mohammed’s words in his last sermon as “an agenda for all humanity.”

He praised the Prophet’s last sermon, telling his audience: “I want to spend the next four years making sure that every non-Muslim in London knows and understands [its] words and message.” He also promised to “make your life a bit easier financially.”
Mr Livingstone was speaking at last Friday’s Jummah prayer at the North London Central Mosque, also known as Finsbury Park Mosque, formerly controlled by the terrorist recruiter Abu Hamza.

Hamza was removed in 2003 but the mosque is now controlled by an Islamist organisation, the Muslim Association of Britain, which has been linked to the banned terror group, Hamas. A man who has acted as spokesman for the current leadership, Azzam Tamimi, is on record as supporting suicide bombings. One of the mosque’s current directors, Mohammed Sawalha, is described by the BBC as a former senior figure in Hamas who “is said to have masterminded much of Hamas’s political and military strategy” from his post in London.
 Rest here with video.


  1. unfreakinreal.

    tarring and feathering is too good for traitorous dhimmi scum like red ken.

  2. This illustrates the confluence of leftism and Islamism. Communism is no losing favor as the statist left's favorite avenue to tyranny, now they will go with Islam. Before Red Ken, "Carlos" - Ilich Ramirez Sanchez - became a Muslim and pledged fealty to UBL.
