Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Violence in Western China Leaves 20 Dead - Islam Suspected

From the New York Times:
An outburst of violence in a remote desert region of western China has underscored tensions over Chinese rule in ethnic-minority areas just days before an important national policy meeting here in Beijing. About 20 people were reported killed on Tuesday night in clashes in Xinjiang province in China’s far west.
As with virtually all such events in remote parts of China, there were competing accounts of the violence on Tuesday, which took place in the town of Yecheng, known in Uighur as Kargilik. The town is populated mostly by Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking group whose members generally practice Sunni Islam. 
Muslims are involved in violence in every part of the world.

There are bloody borders in every part of the world where Muslims live next to non-Muslims.

Hate thy neighbor appears to be the motto of Islam.

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