Sunday, February 26, 2012


Diana West points to the most disturbing case of a Muslim judge in Pennsylvania named Mark Martin who dismissed an assault case against a Muslim who attacked an athiest at a Halloween parade wearing a "Zombie Muhammed" costume, and even confessed to the crime. Not only that, this disgraceful judge has also threatened to send the plaintiff to jail for releasing an audio of the trial for people to evaluate.

Atlas Shrugs has info for where to contact the judiciary panel who can investigate and impeach the judge - and he most definitely should be for his astounding abuse of the law. Here's the homepage to turn as well. Martin cannot be allowed to abuse the law as blatantly as he is, and should be removed from his position ASAP.

Fred Grandy and Frank Gaffney also discuss this on Secure Freedom Radio. And here's more at Power Line.

In some good news, anti-sharia legislation is advancing across the US, as David Yerushalmi's concept is accepted in at least 3 more states. As this case shows, Pennsylvania is seriously in need of the bill too.

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