Wednesday, February 01, 2012




  1. this is from the comments section of your link:
    "MO please vote this Obamabot out of office. I have envisioned Obama surrounded by conservative Republican’s and just what’s left of his administration Communists he appointed instead of having Congressmen or Senator’s vetted by the Senate. If they were voted out of office like Clair, then even Obama’s administration would be Republican’s. Well, not really, but a guy can dream can’t he?

    We have got to clean house in the Senate in November. I haven’t heard much of anything about who’s running or whatever. All I know is George Soros is backing Romney and he even says that Romney would be just like Obama.
    What does that tell you about Romney? That tells me that Romney is pals with Obama and is a liberal just like Obama. And you know that Romney would never repeal his bill that he worked with Obama and paling around with him while he worked to get ObamaCare passed.

    You know I was wondering where Romney was during the hard battle that we fought against Obama and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid to try to kill off this bill. We lost that battle, but not by much, but we haven’t lost the war. If we can hold out and keep fighting we will win in the end. But man, it’s going to be a hell of a fight! And a fight to the death to. I was not trained to surrender under any situation. And if I can fight the NVA and survive then these Socialist Democrats should not be any problem. But of course the NVA didn’t control the environment. The jungle respects no man! And this is just another different kind of jungle."

  2. "I was wondering where Romney was during the hard battle that we fought against Obama and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid to try to kill off this bill."

    romney was the very first to endorse ayotte and rubio for example. gave $ and loaned them capaigners.
