Friday, February 24, 2012


The head of the Yesha Council sent a special "thank you" to Peace Now for the help they could only provide by attacking approval of new neighborhoods:
Danny Dayan, the head of the Yesha Council, sent flowers and a thank you card to the radical leftist Peace Now organization on Thursday.

The sarcastic gesture came in response to the Civil Administration’s approval of 500 housing units for the Samaria community of Shilo.

The Judea and Samaria administration committee also retroactively legalized at least 200 more homes on humanitarian grounds in the nearby community of Shvut Rachel.

Dayan thanked Peace Now for the approvals because, ironically enough, they came about as a result of an appeal the organization filed with the Supreme Court and which brought about the process of legalization of the communities.

“Thank you kindly for your help with the approval of the building plans for Shilo and Shvut Rachel,” read the card that was sent to Peace Now. “It was your appeals to the Supreme Court which finally prompted the government to do so. We will favorably consider naming a street in the new neighborhoods after Peace Now.”
By now, Peace Now's actions can only end up providing a helping hand, quite the opposite of what they want. They'd be advised next time to just be quiet, and get a real job!

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