Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Oliver Stone is one leftist filmmaker who's gone further and further downhill over the years. He's even told how he supports Ron Paul, just like Bill Ayers.

Now, his son, who's making a documentary in Iran, has converted to Islam while in that horrific country:
Muhammad has a new follower. On Tuesday, filmmaker Oliver Stone’s son, Sean Stone, converted to Islam in Iran.

According to the Persian service of the Fars News Agency, Stone adopted the name Ali upon becoming a Shiite Muslim.

“The conversion to Islam is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism, which I was born with. It means I have accepted Muhammad and other prophets,” Stone told AFP.
Oh, do stuff it. Muhammed was not a prophet, he was a mass murderer, racist and misogynist, and a slave-owner, and anyone who considers themselves respecting of civilized mindsets would not mix monsters in with sensible people.

Stone Jr's conversion to Islam decidedly rubs off upon his father's already repellent reputation and I don't want to watch any of his movies ever again.


  1. it's a short distance from loony left to jihadism.

  2. Let's hope he stays in Iran when the bunkers are hit...
