Saturday, February 04, 2012


It's not just in America and Europe where you've got serious problems of Muslims trying to do a slow conquest with mosques: even in Israel, and in this case the city of Akko, there's now this very type of problem:
Jewish residents of the city of Akko in northern Israel are upset by the scheduled opening later this month of a mosque in the heart of a Jewish neighborhood in the mixed Jewish-Arab city.

Public officials have already expressed their discontent over the idea that a mosque will be opened in a Jewish area, and a member of the Akko City Council member, Shlomo Fedida, has begun a struggle against the opening of the mosque.

Fedida told Arutz Sheva on Thursday that some of the Arabs in Akko, who make up less than 30 percent of the population, are trying to conquer the city, as he put it.

“Until now there was a status quo, but recently the Arabs began preparations for the renewal of the historic mosque in the city,” he said. “The Arabs are planning to put up a muezzin and a minaret, begin praying there and then take it further. Unfortunately, the State gives them a hand.”

Fedida said that many Jews who live in the city center have already begun to pack up and leave because of the Arab takeover. “People have started to sell their homes. There used to only be mosques in the old city of Akko, and now it’s come to us. You go to synagogue on Shabbat and the Arabs are barbecuing right in front of you.”

He called on hilltop youth from Judea and Samaria to populate the city with Jews and thus save it from the Arab takeover.
The latter part of the article notes how in cities like Akko and Lod, there's been a problem of Arab/Muslim population growing, while Jewish residents have been leaving. This is definitely a very troubling issue, and anyone who can help deal with it will be helping tremendously.

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