Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The doctor who told how the father of Muhammed al-Dura actually got scars from surgery and was then sued by the demonic, exploitive dad has now had the initial ruling overturned:
French Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned a judgment against Israeli orthopedist Dr. Yehuda David, who was sued for slander by the father of Muhammad al-Dura.

"This is a great victory," David told Arutz Sheva. "This is proof that I spoke the truth and the Palestinians lied in an attempt to discredit the State of Israel." [...]

David, a physician at Tel Hashomer hospital near Tel Aviv, entered the al-Dura fray on 13 December 2007 when he told Israel's Channel 10 that he had treated Jamal in 1994 for knife and axe wounds to his arms and legs sustained during an Arab gang attack.

David said the scars Jamal claimed as bullet wounds from the 2000 incident were actually scars from a tendon repair operation that David performed in 1994, leading Jamal to sue him for libel. His victory in France's Supreme Court on Wednesday is widely seen as a national victory for Israel.

He told Arutz Sheva that he plans to open a Facebook page and set up an association whose sole purpose will be to fight those who find a libel on IDF soldiers in the world.

He plans to ask the Israeli government for financial support in these endeavors.
There's more he - and the rest of us - can do: we can establish a call for oppressive laws in Europe to be abrogated, something that Geert Wilders has already said his party in Holland intends to do, and hopefully can. Without a clear call for changing them, these problems cannot be solved.

That aside, I find it odd that the father sued the doctor in a French court, since the doctor told an Israeli TV channel about the facts, and it's got little to do with France. That's one more reason why a clear call must be made to change the laws so that these kind of suits cannot be made overseas where they don't belong.

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