Sunday, January 22, 2012


From White House Dossier, dated January 21, 2012:
President Obama has been ordered to appear before a judge in Atlanta in a case challenging whether he is qualified to be president of the United States...

The judge set the hearing for this Thursday after denying on Friday a motion by Obama’s lawyer to quash a subpoena that requires Obama to personally show up.

Obama, however, will be nowhere near Atlanta on Thursday. According to the White House, he will be out West promoting the agenda he plans to lay out in Tuesday’s State of the Union address. Obama Thursday plans to make appearances in Las Vegas and Denver areas before traveling on to Detroit to spend the night....
Should we start calling Obama "Richard Milhouse Nixon"?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Well,If i were judge/ No Show,No Go.
    Barry's off the State Ballot.
