Sunday, January 15, 2012

It seems that Obama is deliberately engineering USA/Israel rift: cancels military exercise

Israel and the United States have agreed to postpone a major joint military drill scheduled for spring, Israeli public radio reported on Sunday, saying budgetary constraints were behind the delay.  
 The radio, citing military sources, reported that the exercises, codenamed "Austere Challenge 12," would be pushed back to the end of 2012. Despite the postponement, there were no changes to a visit to Israel by top U.S. military chief General Martin Dempsey, scheduled to arrive later this week for meetings with Defence Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of Staff Benny Gantz. The postponed military exercises were to include thousands of American and Israeli soldiers in the largest missile defence manoeuvres ever held by the allies.


Moshe Ya'alon - Dudu Bakar - Feb. 8, 2011

"While Washington has been talking tougher about Iran's nuclear work and threat to block oil export routes out of the Gulf if hit with harsher sanctions, new U.S. measures adopted on Dec. 31 gave President Barak Obama leeway on the scope of penalties on the Iranian central bank and oil exports.

Moshe Ya’alon, Israel's vice prime minister, contrasted the administration's posture to that of France and Britain, which he said "are taking a very firm stand and understand sanctions must be imposed immediately"" (Haaretz)
"...In reprisal for a comment by Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in an early morning radio interview. Yaalon said:  
"The United States was hesitant over sanctions against Iran's central bank and oil for fear of a spike in oil prices." 
The row between Washington and Jerusalem is now in the open, undoubtedly causing celebration in Tehran. 
Nothing was said about the 9,000 US troops who landed in Israeli earlier this month for a lengthy stay. Neither was the forthcoming visit by Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, Thursday mentioned. 
It was issued urgently at an unusually early hour Washington time, say Debkafile's sources, to underscore the Obama administration's total disassociation from any preparations to strike Iran and to stress its position that if an attack took place, Israel alone would be accountable. "
AND ALSO THIS:  "Israel and U.S. at odds over timetables and red lines for Iran"

Is this the Obama Regime's excuse to a) cut the final strings that bind the two countries, b) summon NATO to enforce a no-fly zone over Israel?

1 comment:

  1. "The Americans also hope the economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran will force it to engage in talks over its nuclear program.

    "Obama just POSTPONED the oil sanctions for 6 months....on who's side is he?

    And yes that no fly zone could make sense in view of the consultations with Saudi arabia and Jordan.
