Monday, January 30, 2012


When Muslims are involved, child-protection laws get thrown out the window for fear of offending Muslims:

Additional information, including the verdict, HERE. Brief excerpt:
...The prosecution presented wire taps and mobile phone records from the Shafia family in court to support their honor killing allegation. The wiretaps, which capture Shafia spewing vitriol about his dead daughters, calling them treacherous and whores and invoking the devil to defecate on their graves, were a focal point of the trial.

"There can be no betrayal, no treachery, no violation more than this," Shafia said on one recording. "Even if they hoist me up onto the gallows ... nothing is more dear to me than my honor."...
More details HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to add your url to my blogroll and for some reason it wouldn't take. I'll try again later.

