Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Do these guys look like "helicopter spotters"??

Totally unbelievable; two muslims get into an RAF base and take photos and they are released after 3 hours!!

Helicopter spotters spark terrorist alert after driving unchecked into RAF base and taking photographs

A pair of helicopter spotters sparked a major terrorist alert after driving into an RAF base 'to have a look around'.

Salesmen Max Awad, 30, and Addison Bridet, 29, were apparently waved through a military checkpoint and began taking photos of Chinooks and a Lynx.

It was ten minutes before officers at RAF Odiham, Hampshire, realised there had been a breach and assembled an armed response team.
Max Award and Adison Bridet ended up on the runway at Royal Air Force Odiham Max Award and Adison Bridet ended up on the runway at Royal Air Force Odiham

Max Award (left) and Adison Bridet (right) were apparently waved through a checkpoint at  RAF Odiham...(...)
Alert: A Chinook at RAF Odiham, where the men said they took pictures of aircraft before armed guards descended on them

Alert: A Chinook at RAF Odiham, where the men said they took pictures of aircraft before armed guards descended on them
'We had no idea we'd done anything wrong,' Mr Awad, from Basingstoke, told The Sun. (...) 
'At the checkpoint there were loads of cars being let in. I presumed they were having some sort of open day.'
The two men decided to drive up to three of the helicopters for a better look.
But as they snapped away, they noticed that they were the only civilians in the area. 'Suddenly I realised it wasn't an open day - there were no refreshment stalls,' Mr Awad said.

'Then all hell broke loose. There were armed guards running everywhere and a tannoy blaring, "emergency, emergency, breach of code".' The men were locked up for three hours and interrogated before being released.
The MoD said that security had not been compromised. 
Read more.


  1. Yup the one on the left looks like a 'birdspotter' for sure, probably specialised in the 'Al-Qaida cuckoo '

  2. Im the bird spotter you said! lol. Im british born and bread. Not a muslim at all! Even my dad who is from Sicily isnt a musilm, He's roman catholic. So I have no idea why the fools and racists that printed this rubbish have said im a bloody muslim. My dad would turn in his grave if he thought I was being called a muslim. I have nothing against any faith as its up to the person. But my dad he was old skool. So Will im not a muslim and im British and proud. So go find some real muslims to bully. You wont get far with me face to face! Bird spotter, like it very funny lol.
