Monday, December 05, 2011



1 comment:

  1. Read the President's Christmas statement --

    "“More than 2,000 years ago, a child was born to two faithful travelers who could find rest only in a stable, among the cattle and the sheep,” said Obama. “But this was not just any child. Christ’s birth made the angels rejoice and attracted shepherds and kings from afar. He was a manifestation of God’s love for us. And He grew up to become a leader with a servant’s heart who taught us a message as simple as it is powerful: that we should love God, and love our neighbor as ourselves…"

    He does not refer to the birth of the Prince of Peace or Son of God.

    Barry Soetoro refers to Jesus Christ as "a leader with a servant's heart" that is, as a human teacher or prophet.

    Which is how Jesus Christ is viewed by Islam.

    Barry Soetoro refers to Jesus Christ in a way that would be permissible to a Muslim, not in a way that would be expected of the devout Christian he pretends to be.

    Draw your own conclusions.
