Thursday, December 22, 2011

PLO deal means the peace process is officially dead‏

Israel slammed the Palestinian deal paving the way for Hamas to join the PLO on Thursday, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev saying that if Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas "embraces Hamas, if he walks toward Hamas, he is walking away from peace." 
Leaders of several Palestinian groups, including Hamas and Fatah, agreed Thursday to “activate and reconstruct” the PLO so as to allow other non-member parties to join the organization. 
Palestinians hailed the agreement as an “historic event” that would mark the beginning of a new era for the Palestinian issue.
It's a new era all right: Hamas hasn't moderated their stand - and neither has Islamic Jihad, which is also included in the deal; ergo: the so-called peace process is dead.

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