Monday, December 05, 2011

How Much Does Happiness Cost?

The great Spiritual Leaders of History (Jesus, David, Isaiah, the Buddha, etc.) have taught that Happiness (Joy, Peace, Love) does not have a worldly cost associated with it; that it comes from within; from an encounter with a Spirit greater than oneself.

The ideas of these great Spiritual Leaders have influenced Philosophers and Political thinkers for thousands of years. The great Civilizations of Europe, the Americas, and Asia have been built upon these ideas ideas. And these ideas have blossomed into the dominant political ideologies of Representative Democracy and the protection of Human Rights (including the right to the own the product of one's labor.)

There are two other Political Ideologies which struggle for dominance in our world. These two Political Ideologies do not believe that Happiness comes from within. Instead, both believe that if someone else has something one wants, the solution is to take it from that person.

Mohammed and Karl Marx both developed Religio-Political Ideologies which teach their adherents it is ok to confiscate the products of another's labor as booty. Both political ideologies are repressive of Freedom and Human Rights. Both detest open Democracy.

The struggle between Freedom and Oppression (Totalitarianism) is an eternal Spiritual struggle. It resides in the heart of man, and it manifests itself in the world we create.

It's ours to choose. How much will you pay for your God-given Right to Happiness?

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