Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I used to think Beck was an inspiration. Now, thanks to his latest really bizarre acts of stupidity, I think I'm going to have to reconsider. Over a year ago, Beck made an early error when he called Geert Wilders a fascist. But this time, he may have really leaped the shark. It first began when out of nowhere, the man whom we thought backed the Tea Party movements thought the best way he could voice his disapproval of Newt Gingrich's supporters was to suggest that by supporting Newt, they were racists. Huh?!? Now what brought that on? How could he possibly succumb to the exact kind of insult to the intellect that the left was hell bent on pushing?

Now, he's really stepped in it after he said he was willing to consider voting for Ron Paul as a third party candidate (also via PJ Media), this despite Paul's atrocious stance on Israel and his support for 9-11 Trutherism, to say nothing of his ignorance of Iran's nuclears.

I can't even begin to describe how stupefying this is, that Beck, who just several months ago made such a big effort to bring inspiration to Israel is all of a sudden willing to throw the Promised Land under the bus all for the sake of Paul, and even willing to risk enabling Obama to be reelected. You may or may not have noticed, but if you know where to look, there does seem to be some disunity among some conservative commentators lately, and Beck isn't helping any by making such divisive statements and playing with fire. Already, he seems to have made quite a negative impact with some former fans, including Andrew Breitbart. And one of the folks on iOwnTheWorld doesn't want to link to his sites anymore. And while reading this posting on Nice Deb, I came across the following comment, which asks:
So his idea to get rid of the Fed is brilliant? Suppose he did that – what would happen to the dollar? All those green pieces of paper, with the words “Federal Reserve Note” would suddenly become worthless. I may have missed his suggestion, but what does he propose replacing the Fed with? What does he propose about the money?
Say, now that's interesting. What exactly does Paul have in mind? Could it be turning society into something almost marxist? In that case, who says his views on economy are anything worthwhile?

Now, even I'm so mind boggled by Beck's horrific shock tactics, I don't know if I should keep turning to the Blaze site for info either. When a man you thought knew his way turns to the dark side like this, it becomes very difficult to want to rely on him and his sites for vital news anymore. This a friend of Israel? I'm sorry, but if that's how he's going to run his biz, I can't buy what he says any longer. Don't be surprised if GBTV loses subscriptions because of this.

1 comment:

  1. Beck is turning out to be the enemy in that he's going to persuade so many not to vote for the GOP candidate. And THAT will put BHO back into the Oval Office.
