Monday, November 21, 2011


In this MRC video on Breitbart, demagogue Ron Paul continues to go the blame-America route. He tries to be clever by saying it was "flawed US policies" that led to 9-11, but only succeeds in keeping upon the same blame-the-victim path. While on the page featuring this video, I also came across this older post from Ace of Spades HQ, which discussed how Paul came up with trivial questions about why didn't we ask Pakistan to arrest bin Laden. And, Ace has an opinion that I share too:
Ron Paul draws particular venom from people like me because what he says is exactly what the leftists say. They do the same thing. The exact same thing. When there's a controversial use of force -- and the use of force is almost always controversial, as it should be -- they begin the discussion from the point of view that any and all uses of American might are illegitimate, and that there are -- always, no exceptions -- peaceful options that could have achieved the same results.
Well said. Ron Paul is no different from many leftists on foreign policy, and as noted earlier, any support or bland tolerance of the destruction OWS has caused is another reason to be concerned about him. And if he decides to run as a third-partier, he'll really be doing all he can to damage the right he was never truly a part of.

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