Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Predictably, the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists have big lead in Egyptian election

As this info signals, the darkness is only just beginning (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
(ANSAmed) - CAIRO - The Muslim Brotherhood are the top party in Egypt according to the first reports by local press outlets. While vote counting continues for the uninominal part of the first post-Mubarak parliamentary elections, indications show that the Freedom and Justice party, which is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafi party coalition Al Nour are in the lead in six governorates, according to the daily paper Al Ahram. According to the daily Al Shouruk, Freedom and Justice raked in 47% of the votes while the secular and moderate Egyptian Bloc coalition received 22%. In the first round of voting, which ended yesterday, the residents of nine governorates cast their votes, including those in Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Asyut and Port Said.(ANSAmed).
Some "spring" alright. More like blizzard freezing, and hell burning over. And it's disgusting how movements with totalitarian inspirations blatantly use positive words to name their parties.

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