Thursday, November 17, 2011


Mark Langfan, a security map topographer, has provided a good debunking of the lies perpetrated by propaganda professors Stephen Walt and John Mearshimer:
Mark Langfan, the American-Israel Security 3D-Map topographer, and this year's co-recipient of the Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award at the upcoming Zionist Organization of America dinner along with his father William, has offered concrete evidence which conclusively debunks the litany of falsehoods and distortions found in the book "Israel Lobby" written by Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer.

The book, originally published in 2006, asserts that "Israel is no longer a vital military strategic ally of the United States."

Using basic and clear multi-colored graphic maps of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean, Langfan has presented his findings to members of the US Congress and Senate.

If Israel were to be destroyed, he says, the Middle East would be rapidly engulfed by an Islamist Caliphatic "tsunami" which could conceivably immobilize Saudi Arabia, Cyprus and Greece; resulting in an exponential spike in oil prices to $300 a barrel.
Read the rest, plus this item and this one from Langfan's own site which present his case, and also the following letter he sent to Walt calling on him to publicly retract his falsehoods. But don't expect Walt and Mearshimer to ever apologize for their evil deeds. For now, it helps to rebut the lies they've told and make clear just how bad an example they've set with their anti-Israel propaganda.

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