Friday, November 25, 2011


As the situation in Egypt continues to deteriorate, women continue to find it an extremely dangerous place to go. Here's the latest victim:
CAIRO (AP) — A prominent Egyptian-born U.S. columnist says she was sexually assaulted, beaten and blindfolded during a 12-hour detention by police.

Mona Eltahawy posted on Twitter Thursday that she was arrested near Egypt's Interior Ministry around Tahrir Square, where clashes between protesters and police have raged since Saturday. After her release, she posted pictures of both her arms in casts.

She says she was sexually assaulted by regular police, surrounded by half a dozen who "groped, prodded my breasts, grabbed my genital area," while others tried to get their hands in her pants.

She says she was later handed over to military police, who kept her blindfolded for two hours. She was released with an apology and a promise of an investigation.
Which is virtually guaranteed never to take place. Even under Mubarak, it's unlikely any justice would ever have been found in a horrific case like this.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    What is it with these stupid liberal women columnist. I think they really believe their own PR about Muslims how else can you explain a woman going into a group of primitive beasts. It's not her fault their devoid of civilized behavior but it boggles the imagination to think she believes otherwise. I for one do not want this to happen to any woman no matter how misguided her beliefs. Its another shameful reminder of how little Muslims respect women except to be used by them.
