Friday, October 14, 2011

Mark Levin's anti-GOP establishment tirades are a circular firing squad that only hurts the Right

I love Mark Levin but NOT lately.

Lately, Levin can't seem to stop attacking the Congressional GOP and Romney - who he actually ENDORSED in 2008.

Levin should stop.

He's always properly trumpeted Reagan and his own service to the nation in the Reagan Administration.

So why the heck doesn't he respect Reagan's 11th Amendment!?

Obama will lose the White House and Reid control of the Senate if we don't shoot ourselves in the foot.

Levon should stop - or at the very least TONE DOWN his attacks on the GOP and Romney, and focus on attacking Obama and the Left.


1 comment:

  1. Here, here.

    You may have noticed that even I, as inconsequential as I am, have stopped attacking Romney.

    That's because I realize that Cain and Perry have shot themselves in the foot too many times. They have almost no chance at this point.

    As much as I'd like Cain to win the nomination, he does not seem up to it.
