Monday, October 24, 2011


It looks like Americans and Israelis may not be able to sympathize so well with the public of Iran, if any of the public mindset are going to support the Occupy Wall Street movement all the way over there:
Iranian demonstrators gathered outside the Swiss embassy in Tehran Saturday, setting an Israeli flag on fire to show support for the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping the U.S.

They carried signs that bore familiar slogans, including, “The end of Wall Street” and “We are the 99 percent.“ Chants included ”Death to capitalism“ and ”Death to U.S.”

“We have gathered here today to support those that have gathered for the Wall Street movement. We have come here in show of support,” one protester told Reuters. [...]

According to the Tehran Times, the demonstrators, most of them students, delivered speeches where they said true democracy could only be established under the “banner” of religion.
Well good heavens, if this is the kind of mindset they support and promote, how can any sensible American/Israeli in their right of mind offer true support for the Iranians, if they cannot recognize that the RoP they're alluding to is the cause of any problems they face with Ahmedinejad, and if they're going to voice hostility to the US and Israel? And here, after any and all help that Americans and Israelis tried to offer a few years ago, this is the thanks they give? Good grief.

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