Saturday, October 22, 2011


47% of Americans pay no income tax and only pay 7.65% social security/medicaid tax.

Cain's plan raises this to 9%.

That's a tax increase of 1.35%. To 47% of Americans. Those on the bottom.

On top of this, these taxpayers would have to pay another 9% on everything they buy.

Most of these taxpayers are already living paycheck-to-paycheck; therefore Cain's 9-9-9 plan would put them in the hole - if not bankrupt them,

Now... weeks after introducing his plan, Cain admits he knows it sucks and is tweaking it with empowerment zones and all sorts of exemptions for this an exemptions for that.

IOW: To make his idiotic 9-9-9 plan more palatable, Cain is picking winners and loses - just like those he claims he opposes.

THE BOTTOM-LINE ON 9-9-9: it was a lousy plan that was poorly thought out and in the end only proved Cain ain't ready for prime-time.

Conservatives who deny this are humoring Cain and pandering.

Cain has sometimes appeared to be in over his head. Consider what's happened over the past week:

--He suggested electrifying a fence along the U.S. border with Mexico to kill illegal immigrants trying to enter the United States. Cain later called it a joke and apologized if anyone was offended by the remarks.

--He said he would negotiate for the release of U.S. prisoners held by terrorists, then reversed himself and said he had misunderstood the question.

--He muddied the water on abortion. He told CNN that while he strongly opposes abortion, "the government shouldn't be trying to tell people everything to do, especially when it comes to social decisions that they need to make." He later issued a statement reiterating his opposition to abortion.

--Amid criticism that his 9-9-9 tax overhaul would force the majority of Americans to pay more to the government, he reworked the plan to exclude the poorest people and to allow some deductions. Backers of Cain's original plan had praised its simplicity, and carving out exceptions could erode that support.


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