Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Via Breitbart TV, we learn that "conservative" moonbat Ron Paul was loudly booed at the GOP debate after blaming US foreign policy for terrorist attacks. I'm glad to see they understand just how awful and offensive he is, and is most definitely not worth wasting time around.

Update: The Blaze reports that Rick Santorum has rightfully slammed Paul for his blame-America tactics:
Texas Congressman Ron Paul drew jeers during CNN‘s Tea Party debate Monday evening when the conversation turned to his views on America’s foreign policy — which he believes helped provoke the September 11 attacks.

Paul was promptly chastised by former Sen. Rick Santorum, who blasted, “On your website, on 9/11, you had a blog post that basically blamed the United States for 9/11– on your website yesterday.”

“You said that it was our actions that brought about the actions of 9/11.”

“Congressman Paul, that is irresponsible.”

Santorum also told Paul that he “should not be parroting what Osama bin Laden said on 9/11.”
Santorum is right, Paul should not be sounding like the terrorists themselves. That was truly atrocious and for that, Paul deserved to be booed.

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