Saturday, September 24, 2011


Benjamin Netanyahu has made a reply to Bill Clinton's one-sided accusation that he killed the "peace process" (via Hot Air Headlines):
“I respectfully disagree,” Netanyahu said. “The Palestinians are basically trying to shortcut this. They’re trying to get a state without giving us peace, without giving us security.”

“President Clinton knows very well [that] in 2000 at Camp David … who really made the generous offer and the Palestinians refused to come,” he said. “I’m sure that President Bush can tell you what happened at Camp David a few years later, when another Israeli prime minister made a generous offer, and the Palestinians refused to come.”

When asked if he had moved the goalposts, Netanyahu said, “Not at all.”
All Clinton is doing is distortion, to say nothing of an inability to bring himself to lay any blame at the feet of the PLO.

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