Sunday, September 04, 2011

Amil Imani feels Rick Perry is sufficiently reliable

Israel National News contributor Amil Imani has looked at the record of Rick Perry and some of the arguments made, and thinks that, while there are still some things in question (like any relations he has with the Ismailis), that Texas governor Rick Perry is a candidate worthy of support in the 2012 USA election. Plus, when asked about the Ground Zero mosque, Perry said:
“To build a mosque near Ground Zero would be insensitive to the victims and families of 9/11 and would make the healing process much more difficult for everyone that was touched by this tragedy. I’m a big believer in freedom of religion but believe it would be best for all involved to put the facility elsewhere. However, zoning is a local responsibility and as a staunch supporter of the 10th Amendment, I do not think the federal government should take steps to intercede or overrule the wishes of local residents. The citizens of New York City will decide the fate of this building.”
Incidentally, Barry Rubin has given his take on why he thinks the mosque won't be built. Well let's hope not. We've still got to be alert, of course, if we're to prevent its construction.

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