Monday, August 22, 2011

The GM Warranty Loophole

(With a hat tip to Conservative Hideout 2.0)

Remember this 2009 video of Obama's promise about the General Motors warranty?

Um, not exactly. According to Reuters:
"New GM's warranty obligations for vehicles sold by Old GM are limited to the express terms and conditions in the Old GM written warranties on a going-forward basis," wrote Benjamin Jeffers, a lawyer for GM. "New GM did not assume responsibility for Old GM's design choices, conduct, or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty."
The warranty in question relates to a suspension problem with 2007 and 2008 Impalas.

Read the entire Reuters article HERE. You'll note that the warranty was honored for police vehicles.

Whoever runs as the GOP candidate in 2012 needs to compile a list of the many lies and broken promises on the part of the Obama administration and force him to confront those lies and promises during a public televised debate.


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