Sunday, July 17, 2011


It's possible that, in the time following the punishment cast upon Osama bin Laden, Marvel might be taking a step in a better direction with the recent X-Men: Schism miniseries. Cyclops and Wolverine go to attend an international arms conference, that might be held at a fictionalized take on the United Nations, and featured amongst the adversaries there is an unnamed villain who looks like Ahmedinejad with a balding head, and in the other picture has a ring that looks based on one the Iranian tyrant himself wears on his hand in real life. And the references to Sentinels here may take the place of reference to nuclear arms. The villain's willingness to admit to child-beating could be an allusion to the Iranian regime's torture and rape tactics against dissidents. And, when the other delegates in the assembly start admitting their own sins, that could be a condemnation of the UN for its own corruption and how they've been harboring and tolerating said corruption for many years.

It's still not fully clear, but maybe, following the justice served against bin Laden, the comics companies are starting to get the picture of reality and recognize the evils of jihadism and the corruption rampant in the UN, and are starting to take advantage of the proper story possibilities that could be drawn from these real life issues.

Maybe they'll even think to write an allusion to the Oil for Food Scandal too someday!

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