Saturday, July 23, 2011


I read Kyle Smith's review of Captain America in the NY Post, and his review gives a far different take on the movie than Lou Lumenick's does. And Smith disagrees with Lumenick that it goes soft on nazism. So now I'm wondering, did Lumenick take things out of context or lie? Well if he is, then that was a very dumb thing to do, and is symbolic of the paper's sad tendency to making a living on tabloid-ism that dampens the impact of the more serious stuff they publish too (I recall them even running 2 articles that used an anti-French slur "frogs" a few months ago).

So if the movie does do things right, then I have to feel glad if it's auspicious. I'll try to see it in time, and determine for myself whether Lumenick exaggerated anything for the sake of tabloid stupidity.

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