Thursday, July 07, 2011

UK government Speaker to Trade Places with Afghan counterpart!

Many Conservative MPs, including David Cameron, are probably hoping it will be permanent move.
Controversial Commons Speaker John Bercow is packing his bags and his body armour bound for Afghanistan to keep check on parliamentary proceedings in political front line in Kabul.
He is trading places temporarily with his counterpart Abdul Raud Ibrahimi in an exchange scheme between the two countries designed to foster good relations. 
He will not only have to negotiate flaring tempers inside the parliamentary chambers, but also the raging insurgency in Kabul's streets, which has seen several attacks, including the storming of the five-star Intercontinental hotel last week by eight suicide bombers, killing eleven.
The exchange scheme - for which Mr Bercow seems first on the list - will be open to other British and Afghan MPs and peers and senators could also take part in the Parliamentary Support Programme.

Mr Cameron apparently has a strong dislike for Mr Bercow - he once told a joke comparing him to one of the Seven Dwarfs.
The UK parliament can now have some insight into what it is like to have a mozlem speaker of the house. It won't be long now before a mozlem is a permanent fixture there!!
Read the rest here.

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