Thursday, July 28, 2011

THE FRUITS OF SOCIALIZED MEDICINE: NHS deliberately delays operations so patients die first

Executives believe the delays mean some people will remove themselves from lists “either by dying or by paying for their own treatment” claims the report, by an independent watchdog that advises the NHS.

The Co-operation and Competition Panel says the tactic is one of a number used by managers that “excessively constrain” patients’ rights to choose where to be operated upon, and damage hospitals’ ability to compete for planned surgery.

It claims unfair practices are “endemic” in some areas of England and pose a “serious risk” to the Government’s drive to open up the health service to competition.

Because socialized healthcare schemes put a priority on saving money - and not lives - it cannot provide the best healthcare for a patient.


To a doctor in private practice,
a dead patient is a revenue loss.

To the NHS, a dead patient is a cost savings.

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