Friday, July 08, 2011


The authorities have been on alert in Israel to bar the entrance of left-wing activists allegedly on "peace missions" to Gaza who could in actuality be intent on committing acts of violence and provocations. But it looks like any of these activists are losing interest, as even the "flytilla" appears to have fizzled. And the only real demonstration came from the opposite side:
Police at the airport had only one demonstration to deal with overnight – an outpouring of pro-Israel exuberance from a group of recently arrived immigrants from France. The young immigrants came to hold a counter-demonstration against the planned anti-Israel demonstration.
What can this tell us? That some of these leftists hopefully are beginning to realize that there's much better things to do with their time than try to help an evil ideology that's even committed acts of sexual harrassment, rape and other violence. There are much better things to do with their time, like go to a sports game, for example.

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