Monday, July 11, 2011


And U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder refused to file charges.

From the Daily Caller:
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Thursday requesting an explanation as to why the Justice Department declined to file charges against a federal prosecutor with child pornography found on his work computer.

The finding against the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) was made by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

According to the Inspector General’s report, the AUSA admitted to spending a significant amount of time each day viewing porn at work.

“The OIG conducted an investigation concerning allegations that an AUSA was using his government computer to view inappropriate material on his government computer,” the Grassley letter quoted from the OIG report. “The investigation determined that the AUSA routinely viewed adult content during official duty hours, and that there was at least one image of child pornography recovered on the AUSA’s government computer. The AUSA acknowledged that he had spent a significant amount of time each day viewing pornography."...
More egregious corruption in the Obama administration, and that corruption never gets coverage by the mainstream media.

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