Saturday, July 30, 2011


This took place near Givat Ronen:
Arabs from Burin, encouraged and supported by extreme left-wing activists, started a huge fire near Burin on Friday.

The Shomron Regional Council reported that the fire spread up a nearby mountain and came dangerously close to the homes of the nearby community of Givat Ronen.

Firefighters who were called to put out the fire were pelted with stones, causing one of them injuries to his face, said the Council.

The attackers only retreated when IDF soldiers arrived on the scene and fired warning shots into the air.
Several days ago, the Knesset decided not to investigate leftist groups for corrupt activities; it may have been for how they get their funding. If any are responsible for encouraging this mess, I think it'd be in the best of interests to investigate them for it.

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