Thursday, July 21, 2011


Buck Sexton at The Blaze reports that one of the worst terror organizations on the globe is exploiting the medium for promoting jihad:
With Zawahiri at the helm, Al Qaeda (AQ) continues to churn out propaganda of all kinds, but this most recent addition is unusual in that its main audience appears to be the very young. Get ready for Jihad cartoons.

These screen capture photos are a first glimpse of an Al Qaeda created comic book that are scheduled for release soon. SITE Intelligence Group reported that on July 17, an AQ member in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) member posted about the upcoming cartoons in a Jihadist forum. [...]

The posting in the Jihadist forum indicated that the comic will be officially sanctioned by AQAP at the highest level. It appeared that the poster planned to go through the AQ hierarchy before releasing the comic, probably to enhance its credentials among the young Jihadist community and thus appeal more to its intended audience.
This is truly abominable. Not only is al Qaeda still around, they're exploiting and shaming the medium for indoctrination for jihad.

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